Has poker become boring? Is your average live table today too slow to be fun and perhaps even too slow to be feasible for smaller casinos? All of these are legitimate questions many in the poker community have been trying to address for a while now.
Company called Jackpot Digital is one of those trying to offer a solution with their Jackpot Blitz electronic poker tables. This Canadian company hopes their product could help increase game’s popularity and make live poker an attractive option even for smaller casinos.
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Hi tech electronic poker tables
According to the information from the company, these new electronic poker tables are equipped with high resolution touch screens, designed to replicate a traditional live poker experience as well as possible.
Everything is done using hand gestures, from checking out your cards to placing bets and performing other actions. For example, cupping hands around hole cards will reveal them to you, while tapping the screen is recognized as checking.
Plenty of options
Jackpot Blitz electronic poker tables feature ten seats and they are set up for Texas Hold’em and Omaha action, so two of the most popular players’ choices are covered. However, these tables offer more than just the ability to play poker.

Aiming to create a pleasant gaming experience, these electronic poker tables also have a number of side games available for players to indulge in-between hands. This is particularly convenient for those times when you’re card dead and are looking for something to do until things turn around. Side games on offer include blackjack, roulette, baccarat, craps, video poker, and even sports betting.
Making live poker more accessible
Back in the day, the game of poker was booming online and live, in venues around the globe, especially in Las Vegas. However, during the last few years, many rooms had to close because it was simply no longer feasible for them to continue.
Jake Kalpakian, the CEO of Jackpot Digital, believes that Jackpot Blitz electronic poker tables could offer a solution for this problem. Since these games require a very minimum of attention since there are no dealers required and players can buy in using cash or casino tickets, they are a great alternative for smaller rooms.
With these significant cost cuts, even smaller casinos can afford to offer live poker and make it profitable. At the same time, it is good for players in a sense they don’t have to tip, which can make a difference for your overall hourly.
Old school vs. new generations
Electronic poker tables certainly have a lot to offer from the feasibility perspective. For players and casinos alike, these tables offer a chance to deal more hands per hour, which increases the earning potential for both parties.
This concept will probably appeal to younger players who came up playing online poker, as digital tables are quite similar to the whole online experience. However, for the players used to playing primarily live, this might not be as attractive.

First of all, whenever you’re dealing with something that’s operated by a computer, there’ll be rigging concerns. You can put out as many certificates and stickers as you like that games have been tested, but old school players will have their concerns if the results are truly random.
Additionally, there are no actual cards or chips to handle, and this will necessarily take away some of the experience. Raffling chips has become a second nature to many players who spend a lot of time at the green felt, so it will be unusual to play without something to keep you occupied.
All in all, electronic poker tables are a good idea, but the concept has never really caught on in live casinos. We’ll see if it will be different with this Jackpot Digital product.